Unique National Projects
By Franklin Hill Ph.D
Dr. Hill also consults directly to design teams. Since he is an educational expert with planning credentials, the architectural firm of record has maximum opportunity to use their in-house creativity without conflict. Many planning firms are also designers themselves, and conflicts have been known to arise regarding design solutions and authorship of those ideas.
- Dr. Hill was the educational planning consultant to the district and played a strategic role in convincing the school board and community of the benefits of a district-wide master plan. Dr. Hill became a consultant to UNICOM and BDLL Architects. In this regard Hill provided the following services:
- Master Planning presentations to the community – over 500 attendees
- Standards and size determination
- Future Trends presentations
- Staff workshops to identify K-12 need
- Application of future trends and standards to prototypical schools
- Workshop with designers and district to develop options for implementation.
- Coordination with Career Technology facilities
- He is helpful with regards to the media, interviews on the radio, and considering issues of a political or marketing nature as the Master Plan develops.
The solution included:
- Small learning communities
- Collegiate resource spaces
- Advanced science laboratories
- Integrated technology education and career training, and an
- Expanded performing arts area
Numerous articles have been published about this project.
The Hill solution also incorporated ideas to coordinate the facility solutions with community compatible ideas under consideration within the regional economic development plan. Thus, the solution was a benefit to education, the district, state funding, and local commercial development. A WIN, WIN, WIN solution.
- Shared use with the Wake County Medical Center
- Creation of the “Learning Atrium” for integration of curriculum and technology
Total building size was approximately 270,000 GSF. BJAC Architects – Raleigh, North Carolina http://schooldesigns.com/Project-Details.aspx?Project_ID=3305
- This 3000-student high school was one of the largest comprehensive high schools built in recent years. Franklin Hill & Associates provided a variety of educational planning services.
- Advanced lecture/laboratory science laboratories
- Integrated technology educational programs with science/math
- Alternative vocational program spaces
- Special needs classrooms
- Value Engineering to maximize program size and budget
The Bolingbrook High School has won numerous design and energy conversation awards as well as a Silver Certified GREEN school.
Wight and Company, Architects
- Howard Gardner, Harvard University
- Robert Slavins, Johns Hopkins University
- Robert Johnson, University of Minnesota
- Bill Glasser, Author - Quality Schools
- State of Florida, League of Teachers (100 total)